Thursday, October 16, 2008

First Commercial Deal!

Okay, I made a loss, but I had so much fun doing these, it didn't matter.

James' teacher asked if I could make cupcakes for her daughter's birthday and I was really happy to. The recipe was from the Cupcake bakeshop again, Vanilla cupcakes. Blew my budget by getting vanilla sugar and vanilla beans - didn't have time to make my own vanilla sugar, unfortunately. Also, used all the good stuff - Nielson-Massey vanilla extract, Lurpak butter... The cream cheese frosting was much appreciated - funny why Singaporeans are all so fearful of butter. I personally feel nauseous thinking about eating buttercream, although I will decorate generously with it : ).

Some of the bits look really messy to me. Had some trouble with some of my fondant shapes. Cut them out the night before and stored them over night in an airconditioned room. They were nicely dried on top, but their backs were stuck on the cue cards I use to move them around on. Must remind myself to ditch the cue cards next time. Will they stick to a cookie sheet? I suppose if I sprinkled cornflour on it first, it might not?

Mmm - fresh out of the oven. They smelt good!!

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