Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Five days to go til due date...

Aren't second babies supposed to come earlier? I'm ok, only thing is the itch on my belly is driving me crazy!!! Baby must be growing at tremendous rate, or maybe its because she's moving into a new position - my tummy has been stretched too vigorously in the last few days, hence killer itch. My belly button has also inverted itself. These are parts of my body that have never had direct contact with sunlight EVER in my life. This makes me strangely happy for my belly button - getting an airing, you know, for first time in 30 plus years : ).

Anyway, my Dr says that if I am even a little dilated when I see her tomorrow, she may go ahead and check me in. ? Does that mean an inducement? Because, who knows how long the early dilation process will take? I'm ok with being induced, it just would be interesting to have it start naturally, since James was induced too. I still have no idea what an early labour contraction or a breaking water bag feels like.

On the other hand, I know what bursting the water bag feels like, and am not thrilled to refamiliarise myself again. Yowch.

Haha, I was going to be a hero (well, half a hero) and ask for an epidural on standby. But my Dr said, better just decide to have it cause you're so tense. I think the tension though, was because at last check up, EH was still in HK - for the past 2 weeks had been extremely focused on preventing early baby pop - mainly by (uselessly) tensing up internal muscles and moving about very gingerly. The day EH came back, I started carrying James (that's 13.5 kg plus 13.5 kg from pregnancy = 27 kg!) and throwing him about, going to the supermarket and buying value pack diapers, detergent, milk powder... but to no avail - baby still resolutely in situ.

On dates - I like nice numbers. Not in a superstitious way, but alliterative, I think. Since baby is coming out 08.2006, it would be so cool if she could come out 26th (no chance) or 6th or 16th. 7 and 9 are just so random, like James' - 19.11.04, or EH - 14.05.73. I like mine : ) - 12.5.75 but anything in 05.75 would have been nice (though, 5.5.75 or 15.5.75 might be a little too much), just like anything in 06.06 would have been nice. My current, attainable prefs are for 16. But I don't mind 11 or 12, ok with 10 and 13, and hope not 14 because I don't like 4 for some reason - very smug number, "haha, I'm #4". unlike 3, which is I think, a very friendly, unpretentious number. I'm a little wary of 8, because everyone Chinese likes 8 - sort of like going to watch a movie you really anticipated (X Men 3, for ex) and coming away a bit flat because it didn't quite live up. On the other hand, 8 is such a fat, comfortable looking number that it almost makes up for its overwhelming popularity - it's not its fault everyone likes it!

You can go ahead and call me mad - I would just take it as a compliment : ) .

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