Monday, July 31, 2006

Some videos of James

Just trying to see if this works:

James walking

James' love affair with the mirror
These were taken nearly 6 months ago - he learnt to stand the day before CNY, and the walking came soon after.

I've been thinking hard on how we can make the transition to 2-kid family easier for James... Been reading up and trying out various recommendations

    1. Moving him to big boy bed way early - check
    2. Moving cot / playpen out of view
    3. Books - I bought The New Baby by Mercer Mayer and I'm a Big Brother by Joanna Cole. But he doesn't like them very much - unfortunately I also bought Too Big for Diapers, which he loves so much he won't let me read the others. He will ask to hear it 20 times before he stops. I got them all from Kinokuniya, first checking out availability on the bookweb - which I find really handy.
    4. Talking about baby, and that I will be away at hospital for awhile - but how much has gone in, I really don't know. Sometimes he feels affectionate and listens in on my tummy, but other times he just ignores it. He's really good at filtering out what he doesn't want to hear!
    5. Buying a pressie - but one book says not to tell him the pressie is from baby, because, apparently kid will be sceptical that small helpless floppy crying thing went to shops and got it giftwrapped. Hm. I actually bought a Leapfrog fridge magnet thingie, and individually wrapped 26 alphabet pieces, just so visitors have something to give to James when they come - you know, so he doesn't feel too left out. (mad)

Anyway, read from book and (more convincingly) heard from real life parents that you can only prepare the kid so much - you might make the first two days a little less of a shock, but that's about it. Whether he subsequently recieves baby with open arms or wants to smother her when no one is looking will depend entirely on his personality.

Thinking about our little playground vigilante... somehow, I'm steeling myself for the worst. He is really very good at tossing things into the cot.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

EH's first day at work

Sorry dear, I have to do this - it's too funny to not share.

EH started work last Monday in HK. He picked up a tube of lip balm on the way to office, because his lips can chap quite badly. He slathered it on liberally and forgot all about it.

The first morning was busy, mainly spent meeting his new colleagues. He was brought round to meet derivatives traders, support staff, big boss. He was a bit puzzled, because he was earning some queer looks, but he didn't worry too much about it, there was too much to do.

Finally, he got a chance for a toilet break. He did his thing, then went to sink to wash up, looked in mirror and.... WT~!!!! Why am I wearing LIPSTICK?!! #@!!&&*!

It turns out the lipbalm he bought was tinted. You would think, even if the name "Cherry Kiss" didn't tip him off, the bright red tint to the stick of lipbalm would...?!!

Don't worry dear, at least you made a big impression on your first day! : ) I'm sure it made your new colleagues' morning - they probably think the new prop trader is a cross dresser on the weekends, and just forgot to take off his lipstick that day...

So what's happened since Feb 06?

I'll try and be brief (ha ha like real):

    1. EH started looking for new job
    EH found it hard to get the NAsian work culture and it was starting to weigh on him. Job search started in Feb, and it has been quite a roller coaster ride. First, nothing seemed to come up; then a couple of opportunities came along and dragged on, subsequently decided against. A couple more came up, one of which went really well - just as we neared resolution, suddenly lots of new and exciting ops started popping up - like last minute barrage to blindside you! - but God gave EH discernment and he stuck to the one that was going well....

    2. EH started a new job
    He is one week into it, and very happy : ). He says, of all (many) jobs held, this is closest to 'dream' job: lots of autonomy and very little red tape / culture crap (eg. come in earlier and stay later than boss even if you are doing nothing more than cutting toenails at desk). Yay! He is in Hong Kong for 2 weeks. Should have been a month, it's just that....

    3. LW close to delivering baby
    Yep: I am now 37 weeks + 6 days into it! Baby is a girl, average size - should be about 2.7-3 kg when she appears. James was 3.58... Pregnancy has been very smooth save for a little nausea in first tri. She's very active, but not as explosive as her brother - he made me feel like I had a canon ball richocheting around inside me, or a trampolinist practising jumps on my bladder. She is very much more gentle, thank goodness. We are hoping this translates to quiet, mellow baby, but I suppose you can never be sure...

That's about it for major stuff... EH and I are both expanding our repertoire of kiddie songs - and I used to worry that I only knew about 3 kids songs. Am quite proud of knowing words to more obscure ditties like "2 little dickie birds", "Peter and Paul went to pray" : ) Some of these songs stick quite badly in the brain - to the point where EH was whistling "Cockadoodledoo, my dame has lost a shoe" at work, earning wierd look from colleague and condescending "Isn't that a kid's song?"